Friday, September 6, 2013


As I sit down to pen down my feelings, I wonder what is the thing that I want to write or what is the thing that is yet to be written. Life is a book in itself, where each day is a lesson. But the point is that do we actually learn from them.

Answer is No because we are too busy in doing nothing that we ignore everything else important. For example-Whenever, we are upset, we start questioning God, instead of looking on the situation and our role in it. We are so engaged and preoccupied in our lives running after things ( like a mad rat race ), that we hardly bother to stop for a while and contemplate on our actions.

The problem with us is that we worry about life's situations and conditions instead of contemplating on them. There is a saying- Chintan kijiye, chinta nahin. The solutions are all within us, but we scrounge them in the outer world, in books, people and things.

So, next time if you feel that you seek help, then just close your eyes, take a deep breath and listen quitely to your inner voice, as where lies all your answers.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Kya aap aatma mein vishwaas karte hain ? This is a dialogue that we all must have heard in most of the haunted movies, but the question is that do we really believe in ghosts ?
I guess we do and at some point of our life, we might have felt something  ( read as strange ), considering the stories and the superstitions attached with it. Ok, me not scaring anyone. Science might have refused the existence of ghosts but my beliefs are different. We all believe in God but we haven’t seen him, then why do we defy the existence of ghosts, just because we haven’t seen any. 

What do you mean by ghosts/spirits ( bhoot/aatma ) ?
For me this is the negative energy that surrounds us in the form of anger, jealousy, greed, pride, etc etc. So, this would mean that we all have a ghost inbuilt in us compensated by the positive/good energy . Now, it depends on us, how we deal with it and whom we give more importance to the positive or the negative. 
The day we fight over this bhoot in us will be the day when world will become a better place to live in.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Am I Safe ??

This is the question that each and every girl is asking herself and to the people around her. For the first time in my life, I was scared to step out of my house. Its because the amount of fear that the recent case has generated is unimaginable. But the point is whether this is the first rape case in our country where the victim was traumatised ? ? The answer is No.

Infact, cases like these have become so common, that Delhi is also called the Crime Capital of India. Then, why are we bothered now ? Why this sudden Anguish?  It’s a common story as, every minute a rape takes place in India. On top of it, it’s the Girl who is blamed and for what that she was raped because she is a girl. People come up with solutions that in order to stop such cases girls should not wear skirts, should not talk to boys, should not leave the house after 7 pm and the list doesn't ends here. In short, today in this 21st Century (So called Modern Society ), being a girl can be your biggest mistake. So, What do we need to change to stop this brutal and inhuman crime ?

The answer is simple, it is we, the people who need to change. We need to  change our mentality.  Parents should teach their sons to respect women. If you can’t respect a girl then, it means you can’t respect your mother either. The next step should be that Eve Teasing should be completely banned. Boys take a pride in teasing girls and passing comments which should be reported  instead of ignoring them. Fast Action against the culprits could also instil a fear among the people.

These are just some of the things that we can take to stop this heinous crime. So, Guys, start respecting women. We are equal to you and not below you.